2 min read
stop dreaming and start living
why waste the only chance you get?

i can’t count the amount of people i’ve met 3 years ago that still do the exact same thing today.

the amount of people that told me they’d quit smoking, drinking, get out of their dead-end job, better their life.

the people that are stuck in the same loop day in day out telling others about their dream but do absolutely nothing to make it a reality.

the people that come home and sit on their pc the entire night playing video games, smoking and doing everything they can to stuff their brain with dopamine so they don’t have to think about reality for one singular second.

i wasn’t born in a wealthy family

the world is against me

if i had x i could do z

news flash, the world doesn’t owe you anything.

if you want to quit smoking, just quit smoking.

if you want to become a better developer, start building stuff.

if you keep carrying the same bricks you will always build the same house.

there’s always a reason not to do something, always a reason why you have to stay stuck in your own bad habits.

nobody’s perfect, everyone makes mistake, but always be honest to yourself.

if you do not live life with the upmost intention then why waste your own and other people’s time?

dwell on the beauty of life, watch the stars and see yourself running with them.

also take this post as a reminder that the age of Artificial Agents is dawning upon us.

the singularity is nearer.

ciao for now,
